What’s the most important thing in your life?

Late night thoughts are usually very personal, and completely private. However, when you stay up until 3 a.m. some of them slip through the cracks.

Last week I went to my friend’s graduation party, surrounded by great food and even better people. As the night dwindled down, 4 of us remained awake helping a friend that had just a little bit too much to drink.

As we sat in a circle, casually chatting, one of the guys asked us – what is the most important thing in your life? As is the typical response, one of the other guys responded – my family and friends.

Then came the zinger; the questioner matter-of-factly told us: this is the most important moment in your life.

Now it might sound like a bit of a stretch to say that very moment of our lives was the most important; however, he was right in saying it was one of them. Most people claim that the two most important things in their life are their friends and family. So through logic it is pretty easy to say that the moments with these people are the most important moments in our lives.

These are moments we oftentimes take for granted. Had my friend not brought up this philosophy, the party would have probably just remained a memory, a good one nonetheless, but still just a memory. Instead, it has acted as a defining moment in my life. Now, when I go out with friends or just sit around with my family, I am sure to dedicate my time to them. Don’t get me wrong, I am just as guilty as the next when it comes to sitting on my phone. It is easy to get caught up in the world’s happenings. But because of that one simple question, I have been challenging myself to put the phone down and enjoy the people that I am with. If the people we are surrounded by are the most important thing in our lives, and the moments we spend with them are the most important moments, then why would we ever want to be focused on anything else?

Now the purpose of this post isn’t to advocate against cellular use or tell people that our society has gotten too caught up with the digital world. Instead, I want the reader to take away this message: appreciate the people that you are with. Appreciate each and every moment that you spend with them. Most people say that the most import thing in their life is their family and friends, so show them that and appreciate what you care for the most. Don’t take them for granted because every moment you spend with the people that matter is one of the most important moments of your life.


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